Thursday, November 1, 2007

11 years

11 years since you have leave us. All that i mean was my granddad. He leave us 11 years ago. All that i could remember now was the memory that he have leave over. I feel very sorry for him because i was not able to do anything for you "kong Kong" at the age of 10 years old i was a very naive garndchild.My granddad is a very kind and friendly person. All the housing estate knew him. He loved me very much and he wish to get everything that i want. Every year i pay him a visit during all souls day. I pay him a visit last sunday and the only thing i could say everytime i visited him was "kong Kong" i miss you very mych and always pray so that my wish will be granted. I still remember every sunday me and my grandma acompany my granddad to church on sunday and we have breakfast together.

Disney song